Government Bodies
War Child continued to expand its funding base among government bodies and non-profit organisations over the course of 2019. The year saw the highest number of proposal submissions in our organisation’s history - and these efforts met with some success. About 62 per cent of our grant proposals were accepted by institutional donors in 2019 - with several proposals still pending donor decision in 2020.
Grants from government bodies for our programmes totalled €20.7 million across 2019 as a whole and rose 30 per cent year-on-year.

Our participation in the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) - a coalition of 16 Dutch NGOs funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs - was strengthened further in 2019. Funding was awarded for our continued participation in three international ‘Joint Responses’ - in DR Congo, South Sudan and the Syrian Response - and we actively participated in a number of DRA working groups at a national level. And - via the implementation of our SAHA 2 Project in Lebanon - we maintained a close relationship with our consortium partners and representatives at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs across 2019. War Child takes the lead in this consortium.
The financial support from governments and multi-lateral bodies - such as the European Union, United Nations agencies UNICEF, UNESCO, UNHCR and UN-OCHA, Global Affairs Canada, Swiss Development Cooperation and US Agency for International Development - is crucial to our ongoing operations. Our e-learning innovation Can’t Wait to Learn was awarded a prestigious prize by UNESCO - presented at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 12 March, in the presence of delegates of the Kingdom of Bahrain. We will continue to build our valuable partnerships with these institutions.