Our Management Team

Two leadership teams are responsible for the daily operations of War Child - the Management Team (SMT) and International Management Team (IMT).

Management Team (MT)

The Management Team (SMT) is made up of managers representing the departments in our Amsterdam office and is responsible for monitoring the overall performance of our organisation - under the War Child Holland umbrella.

Performance is measured against the goals and objectives set out in our 2025 global strategy and related departmental annual plans and budgets. This team meets regularly to review the organisation’s performance against our set goals - and where there are deviations it draws up plans of action. Tjipke Bergsma, Managing Director of War Child, chairs the team and reports to our Supervisory Board.

International Management Team (IMT)

The International Management Team (IMT) is our most senior decision-making management body and is made up of our Management Team (MT) in Amsterdam together with the Managing Directors of Sweden and Germany and key representatives from our countries of operation, the Regional Representatives for the Middle East and Africa. This team provides leadership and guidance to the entire organisation and proposes decisions on strategy, policy and budget to our Supervisory Board.

War Child IMT video conference

Works Council

Everyone who works for our organisation has means to shape our decision-making processes - through our Works Council. This body is made up of five War Child employees - from both our Amsterdam office and our countries of operation. The Works Council serves to canvass opinion from everyone who works for War Child and share its findings with our Managing Director. It is also required to be involved and consulted in key governance issues - ensuring our staff are meaningfully consulted in our decision-making processes.